My Love Story

Doug and I have known one another since I was only 16 and he 19. He and his best friend were both interested in me, so they decided to toss a coin for the "right" to ask me out. Doug won the coin toss and the rest is history!! We married 28 years ago when Doug graduated from college, just 6 months after I graduated from high school! He was joining the Marine Corps to fly, and I was not about to let him go without me! We have moved around the country for a total of 20 moves in 28 years! God has blessed us with an exciting journey- filled with opportunities to stretch our faith and deepen our dependence on Him. Doug spent 8 years in the Marine Corps as a Harrier pilot, 4 years as a Special Agent in the FBI, and finally the last 17 as a full time minister. That ministry has taken us literally to "the ends of the earth" and what an adventure it has been! I can not think of anyone I'd have rather shared my life story with than the wonderful man I married. We have been blessed with 3 biological children- all almost grown- and three beautiful daughters from China! Seven years ago, instead of allowing our nest to empty, my sweet man agreed to follow my dreams to China and return with the first of three treasures!  Through the realization of those dreams, we have experienced immeasurably more joy than we could have ever imagined!

1 comment:

  1. Your story I really liked, I hope your life continues to be full of blessings


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