Sovereign ~ Just the sound of that word does something deep in my soul! If I’ve learned anything about the Lord through the journey of these past three years, it is this… He is sovereign. And with every day that passes without a phone call to announce that a new heart has been found for Rachel, I am forced to step in a little closer and embrace this truth a little tighter. He is sovereign.
God, in that perfect sovereignty,
has chosen to teach me these things through what appears to be an unlikely teacher. That teacher is a nine year old girl, that
until 2 and ½ years ago, had never even heard the name of Jesus, or of a God
that would go to the ends of the earth to redeem her life and give her HOPE!
Embracing His sovereignty
seems to come naturally for her…. And yet, because I know that such truths are
only given through super-natural means, I can only conclude that the biggest
miracle of Rachel’s life is this one!
This single truth directs everything about the way she
faces life and the predicted death she has been told about since before she was
even old enough to understand. It literally defines who she is...
If you met Rachel today, you
would be struck immediately that there is something incredibly different and
special about her. Her eyes literally
twinkle and she embraces HOPE like no one you’ve ever met
before. I don’t know why it continually
surprises us and causes us to marvel, but I can honestly say that I’ve never
met anyone young or old that seemed to approach life and death quite like
Rachel does… It’s taken me a really long
time, but I know now what that something special is!
Through God’s immeasurable
grace, He has revealed His sovereignty to Rachel. It’s not anymore complicated than that, and
if I can learn anything through Rachel’s life, I want it to be this… God is sovereign. That realization alone brings PEACE. It brings HOPE. It brings JOY. And those very same words perfectly describe
Rachel Hope McCary.
Needless to say, there’s been
a lot of talk in our house lately about God’s sovereignty… Because the truth is that the journey we
presently find ourselves on is a very difficult one. If we did not fully believe that this course
was chosen for us by a completely sovereign God, then I think I would have
packed up and run for the hills a long time ago! But as I learn to wrap my arms fully around
the perfect, all wise, sovereign God that I love, trust grows! And with trust, fear melts away. If God is in control of everything and nothing
slips past his gaze… what have I to fear?
I will either believe that the GRACE and HOPE He has promised within
that sovereignty will be available at the moment I need it or everything else I
believe is meaningless!
How little we are to think
that our weak hands can control even the smallest of circumstances. I must laugh as people try to comfort me
these days with the well-known phrase and shallow promise that “God will never
give you more than you can handle”!
Since in my weakness I can handle very little, my life rings out as
perfect proof that this saying, while well intended, is garbage! The truth is that I cannot handle anymore
than you can! Nor can anyone else! The thought that some people have a greater
capacity to handle pain or loss or even disappointment is a weak cop out for those
of us that refuse to push ourselves to do more than we KNOW we could possibly handle!
I remember years ago, while
writing one of our very first ministry newsletters, including this quote as a
small explanation as to why we were making what appeared to be “crazy” choices
with our lives… Only those who will risk going too far can
possibly find out how far one can go. ~ T. S. Eliot It is
only when we let go of what we think is “control” and allow ourselves to be
swept away in something bigger than ourselves that we discover that God’s
intentions were never to give us those things we can personally handle! Instead, He is committed to putting things in
our path that are far too difficult for us to carry alone, and will cause us to
cry out for more of Him instead! If this
has ever been true in my life, it is true now!
I don’t remember ever
thinking to myself when looking at Rachel’s file for the first time… “Sure, I
can “handle” losing a child to death.
I’m strong enough for that!” It
would be foolish to look at a child considered “terminal” and think that you
had some special capacity to handle such things and then embark on a journey
almost guaranteed to be laced with pain.
Nor do I remember contemplating what parenting a child with Down
Syndrome would look like and thinking that I was the kind of mom that could
handle that with ease. In both
circumstances I knew only three things~
* God was asking me to do it.
* I could NOT handle it apart from Him.
* I COULD handle it as He empowered me to do what He was calling me to do.
Newsflash: I CAN’T handle my life! I CAN’T handle the heavy burdens God has
called me to carry and I’m finding that even the lightest ones need His
attention! Even
the smallest details of my life will be mishandled if left solely up to
me! But as I have begun to see myself as
the slave of a perfectly sovereign Master, I understand that my only job is to
do as He commands. His job is to supply
everything I need to accomplish them!
Whether the job is big or small, above my personal capacity to handle or
below it, is not my concern… Obedience is my only concern. May I never forget that walking in
disobedience will always reap consequences far graver than I ones could ever
handle alone as well! Either way- the
road will lead me straight to the foot of the cross, where I admit my lack of
strength to handle the Christ honoring life He has called me to live and I find
His strength alone to be sufficient!
“I am no longer anxious about anything, as I
realize the Lord is able to carry out His will, and His will is mine. It makes
no matter where He places me, or how. That is rather for Him to consider than
for me; for in the easiest positions He must give me His grace, and in the most
difficult, His grace is sufficient.” ― J. Hudson Taylor
I am humbled by the awe-inspiring
faith of a nine year old girl who had never even heard the name of Jesus until
she was adopted two and a half years ago and has known more pain and suffering
and promised death than most of us will ever know! What has taken me so long? It’s high time I start living my own Win-Win
for Him!
These have not been easy
times for us! There are pressures on
every side, but the most difficult part of our journey is the one we are
walking along side Rachel over recent days.
Can we handle it? No way! But with Him… absolutely! And we can even handle it with great JOY! His immeasurable grace is almost overwhelming these days. There is great contentment in knowing this... He is sovereign.
We have been waiting for a
new heart for over 25 months now. Our
Sovereign God could bring that heart tonight, and we pray He does… But we are
being forced to face the reality that if He chooses not to, we will likely lose
Rachel soon. People often ask us if the
doctors can tell us how much time Rachel might have left… I always have to refrain from laughing at
such questions, since the truth is that doctors can’t figure out how she is
still with us today!!! Only a miracle
brought Rachel home from China in her fragile condition when she was seven
years old and only a miracle sustains that same life day after day, two and a
half years later! Our sovereign God
alone knows the plans He has for her.
She feels safe there. We do too. It is not for us to know the time and the
date of that plan… only to walk in
joyful obedience with each day as it comes!
Rachel has made it plain and
clear since the beginning of this transplant journey that she wanted to LIVE
waiting and refused to wait to LIVE. She
knows that there is not a promised heart at the end of the wait, but there IS
the HOPE
that Jesus promises! Because she has
fully embraced the perfect sovereignty of God, she doesn’t live in fear. She will live fully with whatever time He
gives. If He brings a heart in time…
“Great!” she says! If He doesn’t… “That’s
great too, because I will be with Him!”
That is why I have fought
every step of the way that Rachel be allowed to stay at home and with the
family she loves while she waits. To sit
entangled with wires and machines sustaining her body is not “living” in her
book, and she wants none of that! She proves
in that living that she trusts in the sovereignty of God more than most mature
believers I have met in my lifetime!
Of all the miracles God has
wrought in and through Rachel’s life, I believe this to be the most
beautiful! I have learned more about the
comfort and HOPE in the Sovereignty of God through Rachel than I could have
learned any other way! I refuse to let
those with less faith and fearful hearts to steal that from her or to deny me
the beautiful, transforming experience of embracing that amazing truth with
So as you witness our
journey, know this… Our home is not
“holy ground” and we are far from perfect or strong enough to handle what lies
ahead. But we have never known the PEACE
that Jesus spoke of until the circumstances of Rachel’s broken heart have
caused us to come nearer and nearer to Him and to the beautiful realities of
Never before have we known
more JOY! There is absolute joy when resting in the
sovereignty of God. This is possible
even though the journey ahead is likely laced with more pain than we have known
before. But we would choose no other
path than this one, because we know that God, in His sovereignty, will ALWAYS
accomplish that which brings Him the greatest glory and through that, our
ultimate good!
We covet your prayers for
Rachel and for our family. But as you
lift our names before the Lord and seek to walk beside us, we pray above all
that you would know this one beautiful Truth that carries us along and which we
place every single ounce of our faith in…
He is sovereign!
(These special photos were taken by an adoptive mom who heard about Rachel and wanted to capture this beautiful time in her life for our family... They are, and will always be, some of my greatest treasures! Please consider hitting "play" on the song below and then scroll through the precious images captured, displaying her boundless HOPE and JOY!)

Beautiful! God is so good to give us glimpses of His grace! Thank you, Lori, for a true picture of God's Sovereignty!
Absolutely beautifully said! Praying for your sweet family. Thank you for sharing.....praying that God will use your life story in His perfect will.
ReplyDeleteOh, Bless You and your lovely family Lori!!!
ReplyDeleteMay a miracle always bring me to tears.
I have been reading your blog on and off for a few years now and I must say your blog always brings me to tears and challenges me spiritually. Thanks for that. Praying for your dear little Rachel and for your family.
ReplyDeleteRachel is beyond beautiful, with wisdom for a lifetime.
ReplyDeleteGod has granted you peace with the plan he has for you and your family... may he be gentle with all of your souls during a time in your lives when each of you need solace in knowing that he is now and forever with you.